Evaluating Internet sources of info helps you determine if they are reliable and useful. Use the Internet source evaluation system as a tool for assessing websites. As a reader and thinker, become open minded and consider each website's Relevancy, Reliability, Credibility and Accuracy using the following seven steps: 1. Know your purpose. 2. Double check facts and sources. 3. Consider the source. 4. Evaluate content. 5. Determine intended audience. 6. Evaluate the writing. And 7. Use what you already know.
Evaluating Internet sources of info helps you determine if they are reliable and useful. Use the Internet source evaluation system as a tool for assessing websites. As a reader and thinker, become open minded and consider each website's Relevancy, Reliability, Credibility and Accuracy using the following seven steps: 1. Know your purpose. 2. Double check facts and sources. 3. Consider the source. 4. Evaluate content. 5. Determine intended audience. 6. Evaluate the writing. And 7. Use what you already know.